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Need a Crutch?

“Pop!” That’s what I felt in my ankle when I stepped off the side of the road and found myself falling to the ground. Then, pain so great I could not stand up and walk. Later, I would find out that I had fractured my ankle and would be on crutches until I could walk again. During the healing process, I found the crutches to be a wonderful invention! They helped me move about, function around the house and do my job in the church. I was not glad I was hurt, but sure was thankful for those crutches!

I’ve heard some say that God is just a crutch for the weak. They use it in a sense that says, “If you were strong enough to stand on your own, you wouldn’t need God!” The irony of that thought is that we as human beings are more dependent on God than we realize. According to Acts 17:28, it is “in Him we live and move and have our being” (NKJV). He is not only our crutch, but our very life! As you read Scripture, you see that for those who follow Him, He is their strength; hope; help; power; defender; rock, fortress, deliverer and protector. In fact, the Lord said that His strength is made perfect in weakness!

Over and over again, you can see in the Bible that when people relied on God, they could do much more than they ever could have by their own means. The apostle Paul wrote that he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him. He also said that he boasted in his weakness because it was then that the power of Christ rested on him and he was strong. Jesus Himself said that He could do nothing of Himself, but was completely dependent on the Father. Look at the lives of Joshua, David, Gideon, Samson, Daniel, the prophets and the early church in the book of Acts. What was true for them is also true for us today.

What circumstances are you facing right now? Have they left you weak and broken? There is no shame in turning to God and relying on Him. If He is a crutch, then get every piece of the Crutch you can! You will have a might and stability that is unlike any other!

I no longer need the crutches I used in my recovery from falling, but you and I will never outlive our need for God! As long as we are alive, we will be completely and utterly dependent on Him.

Lord Jesus, my very existence depends on You.

Without You I would be nothing and could do nothing.

Be my strength and power in the situation I am now facing.

I look forward to seeing what You will do in me and through me.

In You name I pray, amen.

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